Diagnosing The Workplace: Not Just An HR Podcast

What Is Some Practical Psychology For The Workplace?

Roman 3 Season 3 Episode 11

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In this episode, we explore some psychological concepts and principles that can help us better understand both those we work with and ourselves.

Coby walks us through these 3 concepts:

  • The real meaning of Introversion and Extroversion
  • The Curse of Knowledge
  • The impact of living in Prolonged Survival Mode 

Our prescription for this episode is to take a step back, look at challenges and behaviors from others and ourselves, and gain a little perspective on their cause. Compassion, reflection, and patience are how we can better understand those whom we work with and ourselves.

Past Episode Referneced:
S2 E17 - What Is Some Practical Psychology That Can Improve How I Lead And Work With Others?

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About Our Hosts!
James is an experienced business coach with a specialization in HR management and talent attraction and retention. 

Coby is a skilled educator and has an extensive background in building workforce and organizational capacity. 

For a little more on our ideas and concepts, check out our Knowledge Suite or our YouTube Channel, Solutions Explained by Roman 3.


Breaking down everyday workplace issues and diagnosing the hidden sickness,  not just the obvious symptom. Our hosts, James and Coby.


Did we lose a patient?


No, that's just my lunch.


Hey, thanks for joining us. I'm Coby, he's James. And let's get  started with a question. What is some practical psychology for the workplace?


Yeah, so we did one of these back in season two, where we looked at a few pieces of,  psychology that impact our workplaces. And really understanding some of these practical psychology,  principles can make a huge difference in how we interact with our teams, our peers,  and our employees. And so, because this is really more of Kobe's domain of expertise,  I'm going to be asking him to explain three different psychological theories or principles.  so, Coby, you're on the hot seat. Ah, the first one that I want to ask you about is  the actual definition and differences between introversion and extroversion. just as a little  bit of a preface, Although I think the vast majority of people are going to be familiar  with the actual terms, I think there's a lot of misinformation about what they  actually are. So can you walk us through what extroversion and introversion are?


When it comes to introversion and extroversion, I see this all the time. People  misunderstanding what it actually means. Most people think of introversion and extroversion  as what we call, social preferences. People that are introverted are shy. They prefer not to be  out in crowds. They prefer not to be around a lot of people. It's more of a. It's choosing to not,  you know, be overly social to and to kind of be overly active in their social life. Where  extraversion is obviously the opposite, where people think that it's about this desire to be  the life of the party, the big attention grabber that super outgoing and super charismatic and just  like, you know, anywhere there's something going on, they will to be there. It's a preference to  kind of be in the mix of it all the time. And, you know, just being you, this huge social butterfly.  And the thing is, is that if that's what people. If that's what you listening to this thinks,  you're wrong. That's not what it is at all. What introversion and extroversion are actually all  about. It's actually about your kind of energy source. It's like your social battery charging  point. Because introversion is about what gives you social energy and what gives you kind of  mental energy and what takes it away. Because if you're an introvert, then Being alone or having.  Or being with kind of a small group of trusted people that don't require a lot of almost like  social use charges your battery. You're, you know, being alone, kind of having some solitude, not  requiring a lot out of your, you know, out of you and you kind of in the use of your social muscles  is what fill your battery up. But then when you're in situations where it does require you to be,  you know, using your social muscles and kind of being involved in more people and they re trying  to balance social interactions and all the kind of complexities to kind of go with interpersonal  communications and connections that drains your battery. M Whereas extroversion is the opposite.  It's when being with others is what charges you up. You're feeding off the social energy  of others and you know, being around them, is what gives you that extra boost of energy and  you feel more alive and you feel more charged and it becomes very kind of like, know, like  sustaining that sense of energy and kind of just that social muscle presence. Whereas being alone,  feeling more isolated, feeling kind of more apart from people, it's kind of like that the  battery starts to drain because it's not you being recharged. You're not using your social  muscles enough. That ends up kind of kind of drying you out and you end up feeling like,  you know, you just, you are under stimulated and so you start to dwindle a bit. And that's really  kind of stimulation piece is kind of a good way to understand it. Between, you know, overstimulation  with introverts can drain their batteries where under stimulation for extroverts can drain their  batteries. And most people really don't think of it as energy sources. They really do think  of it as a preference with social behavior. And that misconception, can create a lot of unfair  judgment and unfair. Kind of like putting people implying people are breaking social.


It ends up pigeonholing people into or putting people into a box that they don't  actually fit in. so it's funny anybody with how introversion and extroversion is commonly  thought of, anybody meeting me randomly would probably just assume I'm an extrovert. I am loud,  I am a fairly outgoing. I like to talk. All three of those things are huge revelations,  I'm sure. But what's funny is I've done a lot of like over the years I've taken a lot of different  self, assessments, Myers Briggs assessments. And every time I land right on the line of hovering  between introversion and extroversion. Because I personally I enjoy being out  and around people for a limited amount of time. And at first that will jazz me up. I'll be out,  I'll be talking to people, I'll be energetic. But if I'm doing that too long, it's exhausting. And  the same is true for like. So I kind of. And I think a lot of people are probably this way  where it's an element of both that gives them energy. And maybe it's more one than the other  for some. But I think the common understanding and I think the reason why I wanted to ask about this  in terms of how does this relate to the workplace? is because if we are thinking about it in terms,  if we're not thinking about it in terms of people's energy sources about if we're not  taking into consideration how people recharge their batteries or don't, then we can put  people in a situation where they're not able to perform at their best. If you put a person who  is actually introverted, who needs a bit of solitude or you know, less stimulation, in a  very overstimulating environment, they're going to not be able to perform in this necessarily in the  same way that they could if the environment was tailored to how they actually need that to happen.


Yeah, well. And I mean one of the things that was most, not enough people were  really talking about in the right way when working for home became the norm for many,  many people was introverts who in a lot of ways are a bit at a disadvantage in very busy active  workplaces because just being at work, kind of the bare minimum of work is draining their batteries.  So when they are, were allowed to kind of work more from home and removing that again the use  of their social muscles, it did amazing things for a lot of people. Their productivity skyrocketed,  their, their sustained productivity, their performance and all that kind of stuff what's  great. But at the same time it also was a, a big switch for people when a lot of the extroverts  who thrived in those highly kind of like not necessarily chaotic but very involved, very active  workplaces were kind of put into isolation. A lot of their performance really dropped because they  were craving that again the use of those social muscles in that stimulation piece. And it was one  of those things where kind of the problem that kind of comes up when we don't view introversion  and extroversion as energy sources, review them as social preferences is that we don't realize,  like you say, that we're putting people at disadvantages by expecting everyone to thrive in  the same environment. And that is a big piece of like you know, when we are saying that, you know,  when we give people the idea of flexible working locations. So for industries and businesses that  you can provide, you know, more flexibility in when and where people work. Allowing people to  kind of build a schedule that not just works with their like, you know, their commitments and their  responsibilities, but also kind of works with their energy levels or their energy sources can  be a more a better way to give people what they need to get the most out of them. And I mean,  and like I said, you're right. When you kind of say a lot of people are kind of in the middle,  there is kind of a middle term. I don't really love it. It's called like an ambivert. It's not,  I don't know if I'm going toa mention it, but I'm not really confident to kind of say or say that  it's a legit thing that people, you know, is kind of that middle road. Because in reality it's that  you know, very few people are 100% extroverts. Right. And very few 100% introvert. That there  is that blend and some situations can, you know, you know, they, they're introvert place might be  the one driving the bus and other times it might be their extrovert. And again it is kind of that  balance. But realizing that sometimes your social muscles fuel themselves by being around people and  other times it drains you and kind of getting to know yourself. And even if you think about this,  you know, we're not. The intent of this episode is for kind of, for you listening to have a bit  of better understanding of those around you and not necessarily about helping you better  understand yourself but if you are someone that is hearing this for the first time,  that it is about your energy levels, knowing when and where you feel more charged and when  and where you feel more depleted is helpful to kind of know about your optimization of  what environments are going to give you the best opportunities for performance.


And more about yourself is always a good thing.




Yeah. and as important, yeah I really want to focus more  on the leader or the manage like as a leader, how does knowing this  actually make a difference for somebody in a leadership or in a management position?


Well, because again we equating things like shyness or outgoingness to people to being  the all you need to know about somebody's kind of like performance or what environments that they're  going to work in is a bit, I don't know, it's limiting. You're not, you're really not getting  the whole picture because, I mean, you may. Because you just have to be aware of kind of.  Of the assumptions you're probably making about those that you work with. Because like, you, there  are some very outgoing, very, you know, like, you know, like, charismatic and very like, you know,  like involved life of a party. People that are still having their batteries drained by being that  person. So expecting that just because somebody is good, you know, in some situations or for a short  amount of time, that they're gonna thrive all the time in that kind of environment is a bit of an  assumption that you might be making about people. Or assuming that this. Because someone might be a  little bit more reserved, a little bit more kind of laid back and not necessarily any kind of step  in front of a group doesn't mean that they're still not really being a good or really would  not thrive in a more active environment. Because again, a good example of a outgoing introvert is  you. So you know that you can carry that life of a party for a set amount of time, but then you're  going to need to kind of like know, call it early and then go recharge your batteries. Whereas there  are some who might not want to be in front of the group, but are just so jazzed up by being involved  in the group that they could do it forever because it is totally filling their batteries.  They're just not the one that you're looking at. Right. They're not the one that's drawing your.


They're not the center of her attention.


Exactly. So when we talk about sustained environments or environments  that allow people to kind of have their best performance, the assumption that just because  someone's outgoing or, or someone is reserved doesn't mean that you can totally get what their  environment is. Part of it is asking them, you know, the question, talking to them, you know,  not just giving people opportunities or putting them in a situation based on your assumptions,  but actually making sure that you get to know the people around you so you're actually optimizing,  what they feel is the best environments for them, but also when it comes to things like you,  when you have opportunities to kind of assign work locations or work tasks, again, try and tailor  it to what they actually do need, not what you're assuming based on behavior that they've shown you.


Just because somebody's outgoing doesn't mean that they will necessarily  thrive. Dealing with customers all day, every day, that could be draining them and actually  causing them to their performance to suffer if they aren't given a chance to recharge. So  not looking at the behavior of somebody's loud, so they're outgoing and they're extrovert. Just  recognizing that people need different. I mean we talk about this in a lot of different ways  that we really need to tailor our workplaces as much as we can to allow individuals to  thrive. Right. And so the more we understand the individuals who make up our teams, I think the  better we will be able as leaders to actually get the performance out of them that we need.


Absolutely. and what's great is that if you don't have a mechanism for assessing people's  energy levels, even though Myers Briggs does have some cool toys out there and some cool assessment  pieces that can actually help you kind of get to the heart of it. If you're into doing those kinds  of assessment pieces, if you are into that, that might not be a bad way to go. But even just kind  of, you know, if you're in a workplace, let's say you're in a retail environment and you're,  and you've got a fairly large team and you've always kind of been putting like you say,  the most outgoing people in the most customer service positions and the most,  the most quiet or shy people in the most, you know, like solo things or solo positions that  might work, but it might not hurt to talk to the team and kind of say let's start moving  people around and trying different people out in different roles to kind of see. Because again,  who's great the first couple hours is not necessarily who's great for the whole day.


Well, and if you can have somebody who's great for a couple hours,  then give them a chance to recharge and allow them to be great again later. Right? Yeah,  exactly. Rather than a diminishing return on their productivity.


And that's just it is trying to realize that there's a complexity  to people and just because it might appear that there's an obvious no brainer fit for somebody  that obvious no brainer fit, whether it's a solitary job for someone that's shy or a,  kind of a social job for someone that's very outgoing, might have a diminishing return if  you're not fully realizing that, you know, maybe they're really good for a short amount of time,  but in prolonged experiences it's going to Dwindle. So switching things up or trying  things out in different roles, again're if you're actively trying to get the best of your people,  not acting on assumptions is probably going to be the best.


To know your people.


Yeah, it's going toa be the best way to optimize them and try and figure  out and let them work with you for how you can get the best work out of them.


All right, so anything else you want to say on introversion versus Extroversion?


No. I do hope that people are, this is helpful for folks because again, if you're just  learning about hearing about this for the first time for yourself, it might give you you a bit  of an aha moment. But I really do hope that just realizing that it's about energy and stimulation.


Cool. All right, so the next one that I want to ask you about is  actually the curse of knowledge, which sounds really cool. or so sometimes referred to as the  curse of expertise as well. So Coby, what is the curse of knowledge? And is knowledge a bad thing?


Okay, so. So this is a cool one. It's a cognitive bias. It's a bias where  we incorrectly assume that everybody knows as much as we do on kind of a given topic that  when we know something, it can be hard to imagine what it would be like not  knowing that piece of information. So in our engagements and communication with other people,  we kind of start from where we think the most natural introduction to an idea is,  which may be levels above where someone actually is or knowing or stuff that we assume is common  knowledge is a much higher threshold than what the average person would feel common knowledge is.


This sounds like every other, university professor I had. Not going to lie.


Yeah, yeah, there's a bit of that. yeah, the curse of knowledge can  be a detriment in the education sector for sure when you've got highly skilled, highly educated,  specialized experts who are responsible to educate entry level or even remedial level, kind of,  knowledge bases. and.yeah'ugh. And I'm gonna get on my little soapbox here. So in the Last episode  or, episode two ago we talked about, Yeah, I kind of went off on the post secondary institutions.


Oh yeah. I should have kept my mouth shut.


Yeah. So I'll just say this and then I promise I'll move on.


All right. I'll shut you down.


Okay, good. It is something that this is abundant, in universities and colleges because  what we try and do is we kind of try and take an expert and then try to very ineffectively make  them an educator. An educator is a specific specialization that you can't just weekend  course your way into. So a lot of, there's a lot of awful adult education practices out  there where experts who ah, are living with the curse of knowledge are just blowing it  as educators because that's not what they're specializing in. So realizing that you know,  you can't just make anybody an educator. The educators is a special calling that you and just  becoming because you're an expert and something doesn't mean that information will pass through.  Osmosis does have to be this effective knowledge transfer which can only really come for someone  skilled and trained as an educator. So there is a bit that curse of knowledge does live there.


Yeah. So let's pull it back to the workplace because I do unfortunately I see this  and I've seen it like I see it with clients. I see it with when we deliver training. I see  it when we work with companies to help them kind of improve their operational efficiency.  This happen, this seems to me to happen frequently when we have like a deep technical understanding  or knowledge of the job which ends up getting us promoted into a leadership or management  position because we've done the job really, really well. So obviously we want to put  that person in a position of leadership to help other people do the job really,  really well. Logical. But I think there's some logical fallacies in there as well. And so  can you talk about the curse of knowledge from kind of that leadership perspective?


Absolutely, yes. This is probably outside of the post secondary little soapbox that I would  go back on in a moment's not as I could. they went resist. Right. in the role of management  and leadership it's probably the second most abundant situation for curse of knowledge  because again technical expertise is where a lot of the curse of knowledge bias really kind of has  the greatest impact because it is this idea of I know this so well I can't remember what it's  like to not have this high level of expertise. so the fact that you, my employee or my trainee or  my apprentice or whatever it is can't function at the same level that I'm on is frustrating us both  and making this a terrible mentoring situation, a terrible management situation, or just a terrible  employment situation sometimes because 'there is this inability for the person who has the curse of  knowledge to just relate to the growing pains, to the uncomfortable you know, awkward getting  know like transformation piece from you know, from beginner to Intermediate. Right. So there's often  a lack of patience. There's also a lack of how can they not get this? Or there's just skipping steps  that are vital to learning but are always over, you know, but are always kind of like jumped over  when someone has it had experience, mastery of something. And again, it's the idea of preping  people for how do you educate? How do you transfer knowledge? How do you bring somebody up from a  place that is that you have a hard time relating to into a place where you need them to be? And  like, as much as I'm. And you and I are both the big supporters of mentoring, but we're supportive  of strategic mentoring. And strategic mentoring is a about at recognizing that the curse of knowledge  is one of your biggest barriers to effective, training, onboarding, skill development. When  you don't have someone that can almost like critically reflect or critically think about the  stages and steps involved in upskilling somebody, so they just assume that everybody's, is at their  level and you're again, kind of like you're asking someone to become an educator without  giving them any training, support, resources in order to actually do that effectively.


Yeah, I'm glad that you talked about mentorship specifically, because I was going to  ask, about that if you hadn't, because as you said, mentoring is a great, there's so many  benefits that come from a mentorship relationship. There's direct benefits to the organization,  there's direct benefits to the mentor and to the mentee. It can be a net positive win across  the board for everybody when it's done well. And I think this is one of the issues with  where mentoring fails is when you assume that anyone with a depth of knowledge can become,  can be a good mentor. Just like when you assume that anyone with a depth of knowledge can be  a good educator. It'that to understand that the transfer of knowledge requires  a different skill set. It is a skill that can be taught. So if you have people who, if you have  a M mentorship program and you have people with a deep depth of, understanding of how your workplace  operates and you want to use them and leverage them to help new employees along or to, mentor the  growth of employees that you have targeted for, succession planning, wonderful. Do it. But provide  your mentors with some skill development around. How do you actually train people? How do you, what  are those adult education principles that they can use to actually be able to train, transfer that,  knowledge effectively? Because then everything's going to get so much better for you.


It does. And I mean again, when we are working with companies and we're looking at their  onboarding and their training and their mentoring programs, again we have the luxury of being able  to assess their adult learning principles processes. Are they using it effectively or  are they missing, are they stepping over stuff? Are they missing core pieces? Because m. Most  people in this realm don't have that depth of understanding about how adults learn or are about  effectively educating and transferring knowledge. So it's one of those things where we tend to kind  of like get. I try not to be too uppity about it. I try to be a little bit, I try to kind of be very  like understanding of the situation, the your. With the people that you have around you and with  your experiences so far you've done it, how far you've come, which is usually you don't want to.


Fall into the curse of knowledge yourself and be un to.


Yeah, yeah, I won't lie. I think remind myself this all the time. Like you know,  because again this is so obvious to me when we're doing this kind of stuff. But  to realizing, you know, that this is how this kind of organically came to  here is usually a really helpful practice for us to remember this.




Remember while we're doing this we actually help them where they're at, not try and  jump over steps. But we've run into this too when we've done some of our programs around recognition  or around motivation and purpose where this is stuff that we've researched and we've implemented  and we've worked with leadership coaches and we work with other consultants that specialize in  business performance and we kind of go into these companies to try and help them resolve  major organizational culture, challenges and improve performance productivity. And we always,  we're always surprised and that the stuff that we think they need to reach optimal performance is,  you know, we're always kind of saying we think they're probably going toa want to be at you know,  level two but usually they're at like level point one because like you kind of forget,  right? This is the curse of knowledge. This is us assuming they know all about these, you know,  forms of recognition and all about these, you know, connecting purpose and meaningful work to  kind of the everyday and the communication practices that kind of go around them. We  assume all this stuff is just everyone else knows it too. Like all the other,  all the HR professionals, all the leadership team does that. They get this and we remember, right,  this is us flung into the curse of knowledge. We have to take a step back and help them get,  and meet them where they're at, not meet them where we think we would be if we were  in that role. And that's big. The big critical reflection piece you have to go into is remember,  you got to meet the, the audience where they're at, not where you expect them to be if it was you.


When you've never done these programs before, when you've never done a self,  exploration, a self discovery, program to help to understand yourself better and how you work,  then yeah, of course we need to start with the baseline information that we  can then build upon to get you to level 2, 3, 4, 18, whatever.


Well, and it's. What's funny is in, you know, we gotten really good at really trying to  understand where people are at when we work with, with new clients. Because some clients we go into  and they've done a lot of the stuff before, like, you know, they've done self assessments. They're  used to kind of like, you know, personality elements and traits, psychology, something that  they've done, you know, stuff with. So we're like, okay, cool. We can kind of meet them, you know,  at a bit, at a bit of a higher level if you really want to hit that optimal performance. But  then other companies we've come into and like no one's ever taken a self assessment thing before.




So like. Or like, wow, okay. So like we need to really, you know, take a few steps back  because we don't want to assume, we don't want to fall into the curse of knowledge and have,  you know, and be expecting them to be, you know, so much further along than where we are. We need  to really go back to those fundamental pieces. But we also know what's kind of cool about  those environments is that if we can get the adoption in there, the impact is astronomical.


Oh, it's huge.


Small efforts make huge gains in those environments. And it's so cool when  we do that. So avoiding the curse of knowledge and meeting people where they're at can just  be transcended because it's so cool to see people come along when you know how  firm that process should be and you know, the steps. Watching the journey can be pretty cool.


Nice. All right, so before we move on,  is there anything else you want to say on the curse of knowledge end?


I think just again, to reiterate the fact that it's about not assuming that people  are where you're at and it's jumping into critical reflection and critical thinking, especially when  come to things like how you onboard and how you train people to meet them, where they're  at and taking almost like your own biases and your own assumptions out of the equation.


Excellent. All right, so one more. and so I want to ask you about living in prolonged  survival mode. There has been a lot of stuff happened in the last year and a lot of stuff  happened in the year before that. And let's face it, every year we are bombarded by a  lot of stressors, a lot of different factors that influence our personal and professional  well being. And we end up. So what is the impact of people living in a prolonged survival mode?


Yeah, so let's just kind of talk a little bit about survival mode in general  first. So again, I'm sure it's something that everybody's probably heard in some aspect the  term. But survival mode really is a. About people who are in such either traumatic or  highly stressful or uncomfortable situations that they're almost operating at a more basic  cognitive function than they would be when, when not dealing with the trauma or the discomfort or  whatever it is. So survival mode in a lot of ways it's about a much more like core,  I'm gonna say primitive but like, I mean that in more of like an standpoint, kind of like brain  function, it's not about thinking about all of the kind of all the social complexities,  all, all the different levels of like three steps ahead is really about thinking about  moment by moment is really kind of what survival mode is like. We. And you're right man,  2024 for so many people has been just an absolute nightmare. And we're hearing it kind of this kind  of growing involvement. All of us have a lot of optimism for now, for 2025, but it's this idea of  people have been in this sustained level of almost like, like more basic, more you safety focused  cognitive functioning because they're trying to live moment by moment. And I mean I always tie  survival mode back to malsow's hierarchy of needs. Right, right. Because knowing the hierarchy of  needs, you know, to just refresh folks the basic, you know, the bottom foundation that you have to  kind of, kind of build and work through is bas your basic needs like you know, shelter, food,  water, that type of stuff. Then you move up to safety and about safety of self, safety of family,  safety of kind of situation, safety of income. And then you go on to belonging and then self  esteem and then self actualization. And it is such a great way to kind of really understand survival  mode because so many of us have been kind of like rocked to our core with traumatic situations in  our personal lives or in our professional lives or kind of just you know, or even kind of like  seeing kind of the institutional betrayal of our systems or our governments or our like, you know,  just. Or kind of the institutions that we rely on are, you know, we feel betrayed or we feel that  are failing us. So a lot of us are, to protect ourselves, are stepping back into survival mode.


And the add added stress that comes like with the continuing rise in,  inflation and the cost of living and the stress that comes from not knowing whether or not you're  going to be able to make ends meet and where does this stop and where does this go? And  all of these factors really play into. I love that you tie it into Maslow because if you can't the  basics of maslow, if you don't have those basic needs of, food, shelter and security, nothing else  matters. That's where your focus is. I see this prolonged survival mode in that same way of if,  if we have all of these external factors that are forcing us to narrow our vision and only focus on,  you know, am I going to be able to pay my bills, Am I going to be able to keep my family,  keep a roof over my family's head, am I going to be. Whatever those stressors may be,  it has a direct impact on our ability to perform in our jobs. Right. Let's make sure that we are  making this relevant to the workplace because as important as it is individually and as impactful  as it is to that individual, this does impact our businesses as well. Which is why I think  it's really important for us to make that connection. Because as a business owner,  as a business leader, you may not be able to control all of those external forces that  your employees are experiencing, but it's going to impact your workplace regardless.


Well, and I think one of the things that I think most business owners, leaders,  managers need to also even coworkers be aware of is that most the people or there's a good  portion of people that your working with, seeing and interacting with every day that  are operating in a prolonged survival mode. And so the question the asked never really got to  the answer of is kind of what is the effect of the prolonged survival mode? And a lot of it is,  again it's the inability to kind of maintain the level of executive functioning, to effectively  manage social situations optimally, to effectively think two or three steps ahead, weeks ahead,  months ahead. It's really about almost like just trying to keep yourself protected moment  to moment, day to day. Is kind of often the high end of the forward thinking. So people are more  impulsive. People are really kind of sacrificing their long term, success for short term gain  because they can't see beyond the short term gain. there is this kind of idea of people having a bit  of hopelessness in stuff that's a little bit too far removed from them or a little bit too far down  the road for them to really conceptualize. There's you know, it's fun last episode and I'll make sure  I put identifying the show notes to the last psychology kind of practical psychology of the  workplace episode that we did last season. Talk talked about self sabotage. Self sabotage is kind  of a common scene of prolonged survival mode. Just because again we're too focused on the short term,  that we can't see beyond the short term to have any kind of future in the long term.


It's hard to make good long term decisions when you are  faced with very immediate pressing concerns.


Well so I mean I see this in the workplaces with the companies that we work  with and if they like that too. But I probably had the most extreme exposure to it in the years  I worked in community education. So when I was working in community education and I ran some  workforce programs, kind of some of the stuff that I did involved working with people who  were like in dire straits, trying to kind of help lift them out of the situation that they were in,  to help them reengage into the workforce. Whether that was dealing with addictions,  whether that was dealing with homelessness, whether that was dealing with multi barriered  situations, me as part of a team trying to kind of help take people that were in a really tough  spot and try and help them get to a place of stability so they could reader the workforce  and have some sustainable success. And the thing that was always very pressing, I was  always very aware of and I saw all the time was the lack of use of a full executive functioning  of their, their minds. Because like we've talked, I'm not sure if anyone studied biology or anything  like that. When you are talking about kind of like who can survive, who's robust enough or  what's robust enough to survive. You know, like an apocalyptic situation. We talk about like, you  know, like you know, if there was a nuclear explosion, humans and all the complex animals,  apes and you know, monkeys and dogs wouldn't survive. But like the hardy ones are cockroaches  and microbes and really simple, basic, kind of evolutionary creatures are Robust enough to  survive, the less complex, the easier it is to survive. And that's kind of how our minds work  when we're talking about executive functioning in survival mode that when we get into that you  our complexity talking about social situations and kind of all the things that we need to manage kind  of our long term future, you and those around us is too complex for us to live with in the,  in survival mode. It's almost like we retract to use more primitive parts of our brain like  what's going to refer to in psychology as the lizard brain which is that very core,  you know, when we are coming out of the primordial soup kind of functioning.  That's what is calling the shots. Because we can't. The complex executive functioning are.


We need to focus on just getting through the day.


That's just it. Because executive functionings are too complex to survive in  that environment. So it's the more robust, more simpler short term solutions thinking that is  what is calling the shots. Because that's who can perform there. And this is the reality that we  have to understand. Again, most of us maybe are not at that deep level that I talked about kind  of with the kind of experiences that I saw in community education. A lot of them are probably  not at that level in the workplaces but some of them are, let's be serious. But realizing that  you are probably managing working beside people who are working in prolonged survival modes.  They're not making the best decisions, they're not thinking long term. They're really just  trying to get through the moment, maybe the day. Ah, at the long part you're seeing impulsiveness,  you're seeing a bit of a self sabotaging behavior. You're seeing people who want to  not be in this mode but can't envision what it's like to come out of it. And here's the thing,  when they do there's a bit of a retraction. So it's funny, we had a client that lost  their building due to fire m and their staff managed to work through this temporary working.


They rallied, they came together as a team.


They were being moved around and they dealt with every day was where are we going to  be and what's go going toa happen like. But they kept their business was a core community function.  It was an essential service. They were a lifeline to many people in their community. But they kept  the lights on and the wheels on the road sort of thing. And when they kind of took a breath they  were like hu okay. We actually have stability. We actually, you know, we all this work,  we've now gotten to a place where we in a more permanent spot. We have desks again. We actually  have computers again like you all this kind of stuff. There was a bit of a retraction almost  like a bit of a rebelling against kind of the stability. And people were complaining about,  you know, minor little issues that were so inconsequential compared to what they had gone  through. But there almost was a bit of a like just that retracting or that rebelling against kind of  there being a future. They're being something else coming. They're being that requiring to use more  executive functioning because they'd gotten used to prolong survival mode. M so there was  this weird reaction from the leadership team. They're like, after all they've gone through,  why are they complaining about this stuff now? Well, a lot of it was that bit of  that self sabotage just trying to shake off the survival mode. That norm can be a tough  thing on its own. There's a weird transition period over survival mode that most people,  hopefully are going to be moving into in this year, in 2025. But expect there to be a bit  of a one step forward, two steps back in some ways or you know, because there is going to be  that bit of that almost like rebelling against coming a survival mode because it's scary to.


So I mean, it would be remiss of us not to ask the question what can a manager, a leader,  a business owner do if they think that they have if this is a problem in their workplace?


Well, if you have a lot of employees working in prolonged survival mode,  a lot of it is trying to kind of realize that you, you need to support the whole  person. You can to support employees as their work. You can't support their job. You have  to support the whole person. So you know, when you re. If you're in a workplace that has this  very transactional relationship between employees where people just come do their job and pay them,  they go home and there's nothing else provided to them, it's gonna impossible to really deal with  anything. If you know, with prolonged survival mode, you're going to see dips in productivity,  you're going to see all kinds of major red flags. But if you're in a situation where you  can actually do something to help people, part of it is just realizing that this is kind of a  basic core function and try to understand enough about the person situation that you  can actually give them little Opportunities, little ways to kind of help them see that there  is going to be a path beyond survival mode. So you can't get them out of it, but you can  support them while they try to move beyond it. And patience is going to be the most important.


Patience is important. But I think there's also what comes up for me is understanding  the factors of the workplace that may influence that would have an impact or an influence on  survival mode. Burn whatever is causing that. Right. Because if they're entering survival  mode because of they can't afford to live, then compensation has a direct impact on survival  mode. If it's wellness, if it's job security, if it's consistency, the factors, I think the factors  of the workplace is certainly an area where businesses can take a bit of that self reflection,  to if this is a problem for you and you want to actually achieve some level of productivity, then  there are things that you can evaluate and that you can do within the scope of being an employer.


You're right. A massive thing that you have to know is what are the  contributing factors to people having to live in prolonged survival mode. And again,  you have to know how much the workplace is contributing to that and the factors are  where that contribution is going to come from. So again you may not be able to fix  all aspects of what's causing them in survival mode if so much of it is beyond the workplace.  But knowing how your workplace is contributing through to the factors, the seven factors that  we've talked about kind of job satisfaction before is an absolute ideal place to start.


So I think we've had a really good conversation. I have a much better understanding  of some of these things. Hopefully people, if you're listening to this,  you have a bit of an idea of what these practical pieces of psychology are,  how they impact the workplace and hopefully what you can do about it. But also recognize that you  don't have to go it alone. if you like this format, if there's more of these pieces that  you'd like to hear us talk about, reach out to us any time. We love talking to people who listen


All right, so that about does it for us. For a full archive of the podcast and access the  video version hosted on our YouTube channel, visit Roman3ca/podcast. Thanks for joining us.


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