

W. Coby Milne

Coby is a skilled facilitator and has an extensive background in workforce and talent development with a master’s degree focused on building workforce and community capacity.

Coby has designed and implemented many workforce and community development projects for various departments of the Nova Scotia provincial government. His programs were designed to level the playing field for the diverse community that exists in Nova Scotia. 

He has supported hundreds of professionals from different backgrounds, cultures, abilities, education levels, and ages. He continues to support progressive workforce and human resource solutions, as well as leading innovative workforce projects, for municipalities, municipal corporations, and NGOs. 


James Schofield

James is an experienced business coach who has worked directly with organizations of all sizes throughout many different industries. 

He has supported hundreds of organizations to address common challenges such as: 

·       How to effectively recruit, hire and retain a diverse staff. 

·       Create a more inclusive and productive workforce. 

·       Develop business models, business planning, human resource planning, and strategic planning. 

·       Policy development to expand equitable and ethical workplaces. 

·       Improve employee engagement and motivation. 

·       Managing organizational change to support the implementation of best practices.